best woocommerce plugins

We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.

~Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon

Adding the right plugins to your WooCommerce store will promote the efficiency of your business. However, even a small mistake in choosing Best WooCommerce plugins can stop functioning entirely.

It isn’t clear! Isn’t it?

Thousands of plugins are available to add extended functionalities to your eCommerce store. And almost all plugins from different categories serve similar features.

Don’t you worry! We have already shortlisted the best WooCommerce/WordPress plugins that you may need to align with extended functionalities.

Read on…

Top 40+ WooCommerce Plugins To Boost Business Online

WooCommerce Plugins for Boosting Sales

Sales Booster plugins are the most preferred and used plugins of all time. Giving offers on your WooCommerce store becomes easier with these plugins. Above all, these plugins are called sales boosters because they allow buyers to upgrade their purchases or plan revisits faster.

Plugin Name Price Ratings
OptinMonster $45/ billed annually 4.3 Stars
Omnisend $59/ per month 4.9 Stars
All-In-One SEO (AIOSEO) ₹ 100 (billed annually) 4.6 Stars
One Click Upsell For WooCommerce $59/ year 4.95 Stars
Tidio 49.17 USD/ year 4.7 Stars
Customer Reviews (CusRev) $59/year 4.8 Stars
Gift Cards For WooCommerce Pro $79/ 4.95 Stars
WPFunnels $237/year 4.9 Stars

1. OptinMonster


It is the most powerful conversion optimization software in the market. It helps you convert abandoning website visitors into subscribers and customers.

You can use OptinMonster for your eCommerce website to reduce cart abandonment, increase sales conversions, grow your email list, show targeted website messages, onsite retargeting, upsells, cross-sells, and more.

2. Omnisend

omnisend top woocommerce plugin

Omnisend is an email & SMS marketing automation platform that’s specifically designed for e-commerce businesses. This means that all the templates, features, reports, automation workflows, etc., are geared towards getting businesses to better understand their subscribers and thereby increase their sales.

3. All-in-One SEO (AIOSEO)

aiseo best wordpress plugin

AIOSEO is hands down the best plugin for improving your SEO strategy. It’s the only tool you need to ensure that more people find your WooCommerce store on search engines like Google.

With AIOSEO, you can rest assured that your site is easy for search engines to understand and rank. This allows you to create better content that not only helps your user experience (UX) but also drives more sales.

4. One Click Upsell For WooCommerce Pro

one click upsell best woocommerce plugin

This plugin facilitates merchants to make a one-time offer immediately after their customers’ purchase. Adding more to this, it enables them to increase their average order value(AOV) by 10%-25%.

The merchant simply needs to add the most attractive product onto the funnel offer and is free to add other discounted products on the skip button. Merchants are also provided with 8 provided pre-built templates that are customizable and mobile-friendly for creating WooCommerce upsell offers. As a result, the customers are always presented with the best offers which are hard to resist.

Ready To Trigger upselling WooCommerce funnels?

Know More About One Click Upsell Plugin…

5. Tidio


It is an automated customer service plugin designed to enhance engagement on your online store, ultimately boosting sales and attracting more visitors. With features like live chat and chatbots integrated with Messenger, Instagram, and email, Tidio offers a mobile-friendly experience, allowing customization of widget size and location for both mobile devices and desktops or laptops.

This plugin also provides you with pre-made chatbot templates for various purposes, saving time and enabling testing before customization.

6. Customer Reviews (CusRev)

customer review

There is a saying “One customer well taken care of could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising”. It is important to showcase the reviews of the customers that have liked your products. CusRev helps you do exactly that.

Did you know 90% of customers check customer reviews first, before deciding whether to buy a product or not? The plugin helps you gather these valuable reviews and showcase them to your potential customers. You can showcase reviews with pictures and videos as well.

7. Gift Cards For WooCommerce Pro

giftcards for woo plugin

To create, sell, and manage gift cards on their WooCommerce store, merchants can use Gift Cards for WooCommerce Pro.

With the help of the gift cards plugin, the administrator can personalize gift card templates, send gift card coupon codes as QRCode/BARCode, make reusable gift certificates, and notify customers of their remaining balance. With the giftcards WooCommerce plugin you can create group gift cards allowing customers to organize collective gifting and send email invitations to friends and family to contribute money.

Generate Gift Coupon Codes, QR Codes, & Barcodes For Faster Redemption

Know More About The Plugin…

8. WPFunnels


WPFunnels is a popular WordPress and WooCommerce funnel builder that can help you create high-converting landing pages, sales funnels, and checkout flows easily, thanks to its drag-and-drop canvas also can be used for making One Click Upsell & Downsell Offers. It offers a wide range of niche-specific funnel templates that you can use to get started quickly.

Furthermore, WPFunnels supports popular page builder plugins, enabling you to design funnel pages right from the WordPress dashboard. With detailed funnel analytics, you can obtain real-time stats on your visitors, buyers, and conversions. These insights can be used to enhance your funnels and increase sales.

Best WooCommerce Store Design Plugins

WooCommerce store designs need piercing consideration. It needs to be as clear and not as confusing as possible. Because even a bit of confusion can make you lose a potential customer as a confused or misled visitor won’t make a purchase.

The store design isn’t limited to peculiar themes only. Along with suitable themes, your store also requires customization in displaying products and related information, structured navigation, easy and comfortable checkout, etc.

Plugin Name Price Ratings
WooCommerce Product Slider $219/year 4.9 Stars
WooCommerce Colours And Swatches For Variations $29/year 4.95 Stars
SeedProd $199/year 4 Stars
Direct Checkout For WooCommerce $149/year 4.8 Stars
Save Cart Later $4.09/ year 5 Stars
YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter $89.99/year 3.8 Stars
Wallet System For WooCommerce $79/year 4.9 Stars
Search WP $199/year 4 Stars

9. WooCommerce Products Slider

product slider

Product Slider gives you an attractive way to display product images and product information while also keeping shoppers engaged.

Adding a product carousel is an easy way to keep shoppers engaged on your site.

WooCommerce Products Slider is customizable to ensure that every bit of your site is on-brand. Shoppers can view images and product information and add products to their shopping cart right from the carousel.

10. WooCommerce Colors And Swatches For Variations

Colors and swatches-cc

WooCommerce variation swatches plugin replaces traditional variation dropdown lists with user-friendly product swatches. This transition of adding variation swatches to your WooCommerce store helps your customers check out the product variations with more ease.

If you want to check the working of the plugin – Demo For Colors And Swatches

Ready To Show Product Variation Swatches?

Display Variations Of Variable Products On Your Online Store…

11. SeedProd

seedprod logo

SeedProd is the world’s best website builder for WordPress. With this plugin, you can easily create custom WordPress themes and page layouts without editing any code. You can build product pages for your WooCommerce store, and other pages, including Coming Soon, Optin, Maintenance, Webinar, and much more…

Plus, SeedProd comes with 200+ templates to help get you started FAST. They also have a drag-and-drop!

12. Direct Checkout For WooCommerce

woo direct checkout

The direct checkout process can sometimes be a hassle, so why not let your customers completely skip it? With Direct Checkout for WooCommerce, you can make that happen!

This plugin provides you with so-called buy buttons, which you can place anywhere on your site. Once a customer clicks one of these buttons, the product is added to the cart, and the customer is redirected to the checkout page.

13. Save Cart Later

save cart later

It often happens that we as customers add too many products to the carts and the cart total goes undesirably high.

Now instead of removing what if there is an option to save the cart and resume the purchase later?

This is what exactly the Save Cart Later plugin lets your customers do. With the help of this WooCommerce extension, you can add functionality that allows shoppers to save their cart without the need to edit the entire cart page.

Ready To Fight Cart Abandonment?

Skyrocket Conversions & Prevent Cart Abandonment…

14. YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter

ajax slider

Search functionality is important on any website, but it’s a must-have on your eCommerce platform.

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter lets your shoppers find what they’re looking for easily, so they’re more likely to buy instead of getting frustrated.

15. Wallet System For WooCommerce Pro

wallet system for woo

The Wallet System For WooCommerce extension allows your customer to make digital payments for their orders. This saves your customers from the hassle of adding their details to a third-party payment service. It enables you to send refunds directly to customers’ Wallets. Moreover, the Wallet cashback feature enables you to send all cashback rewards to your customers. So, this Wallet for WooCommerce effectively supports your customer loyalty program. Learn more about the plugin by following the demo for Wallet.

It allows your registered customers to create a digital wallet for the WooCommerce store and purchase your products and services using the wallet amount. Also, as merchants, you can add or remove funds from the customers’ wallets in bulk.

Ready To Generate Wallet QR Codes?

Use Wallet As A Complete Or Partial Payment Method…


This plugin helps you increase the navigational capacities of your website and WooCommerce store. Search WP plugin is designed as an alternative to the default search on your WooCommerce store. It not only simplifies customer searches for products by relevancy but also goes beyond typical content searches, it indexes everything, including custom fields, text files, PDFs, product attributes, and taxonomies.

Additionally, the plugin offers metrics to uncover customer search insights, aiding in discovering new product ideas and enhancing conversions on your online store.

Plugins for WooCommerce Store Essentials

Other than the regular stylings and themes, your store also requires some added functionalities to emphasize the proper presence and functionality of your eCommerce store.

The WooCommerce store essentials category includes those plugins that, although are not the immediate requirements for your store. However, they’re crucial in their aspects.

Plugin Name Price Ratings
Contact Form 7 Free 4.5 Stars
WordPress PDF Generator $59/year 4.9 Stars
Gravity Forms $159/year 4.7 Stars
Product Bulk Editor $79/year 4.9 Stars
Store Customizer $59/year 4.5 Stars
WPML Free 4.8 Stars
Wholesale Suite $148/year 4.5 Stars
WC Min Max Quantities $199/year 4.9 Stars

17. Contact Form 7

contact form 7

The Contact Form 7 plugin allows you to create and manage multiple contact forms that can be customized. This WordPress/WooCommerce form plugin supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, and Akismet spam filtering. Activating this plugin with certain features can also help you track the IP address of the form submitter.

18. WordPress PDF Generator

pdf generator for woo

Every merchant looks forward to sharing their brand value with their customers via invoices, posts, newsletters, etc. Having a customized cover page helps the merchants to promote their brand’s awareness and vision.

A WordPress PDF generator plugin allows users and admins to convert all the posts, pages, blogs, and products into a PDF format. The plugin also gives highly personalized templates that the admin can use for branding. They get 4 WordPress PDF templates. You can customize the cover page images, logo, and company name, add contact and address details, & more.

Ready To Generate PDF files From Live Posts?

Explore features like footer customization, multisite compatibility, and many more…

19. Gravity Forms

gravity forms

Gravity Forms is a premium WordPress form plugin that allows you to build custom forms and workflows to connect and nurture your users while expanding the reach of your business. Using this plugin, the admin can create custom web forms to capture leads, automate workflows, collect payments, and build your business online.

20. Product Bulk Editor

bulk editor

If you have a WooCommerce store that contains millions of products, managing them can be very hectic. There are several things about a product that has to be managed such as— Prices, Discounts, Categories, Taxonomies, SKUs, and much more…

It helps in making massive edits to the product attributes in a very efficient way. In short, the Product Bulk Editor provides the fastest and easiest way to edit eCommerce products in bulk in just a few clicks.

Get Full Control Over Your Product Fields!

Explore features like easy filtration of products and much more…

21. StoreCustomizer

store customiser

StoreCustomizer makes it easy to edit your WooCommerce store without writing any code. With this plugin, you can easily edit text and page elements on your WooCommerce pages. In addition, you can use the WordPress customizer for anything about your WooCommerce site.

22. WPML


Translate your product and other WooCommerce pages into other languages with this free WooCommerce plugin.

WooCommerce Multilingual helps your shoppers feel comfortable navigating your site and lets them view product information in the language that works for them.

Showing product info in the language your visitors are most comfortable in makes a big difference to your bottom line. For example, Libratone used this tactic to grow its email list by 400%!

23. Wholesale Suite

wholesale suite

The wholesale suite plugin is known for seamlessly integrating wholesale bulk pricing into your WooCommerce store. It can create a Wholesale Customer user role, users can discreetly present wholesale prices to B2B customers while hiding retail prices. The plugin offers flexible settings, enabling the establishment of minimum purchase rules before wholesale pricing becomes accessible.

It also supports multiple-site configurations, allowing users to set up wholesale pricing and user roles across multiple sites.

24. WC Min Max Quantities

wc min max

Set minimum and maximum limits for the product quantity itself, order quantities, or total cart amounts in WooCommerce. You can set quantity and price thresholds for both simple and variable products.

Merchants can also specify rules that will only apply to the cart. These amazing features of WC Min Max Quantities will allow you to restrict customers from purchasing items if the product quantity and/or price conditions are not met.

WooCommerce Plugins for Customer Experience & Satisfaction

Customer experience isn’t an expense. Managing customer experience bolsters your brand.

-Stan Phelps

Your customers are the reason that your business is running. And to make this journey even smoother and more successful, you need to make your customers cherish your services and products. And you can’t let any of your customers feel left out. Because a thousand customers can help you grow while a single customer can bring you down in a jiffy.

Plugin Name Price Ratings
Advanced Coupons $149/year 4.5 Stars
WooCommerce RMA For Return Refund & Exchange $69/year 4.9 Stars
Referral Candy For WooCommerce $59/year 4 Stars
Points And Rewards WooCommerce $99/year 5 Stars
RafflePress $99.05/year 4.5 Stars
WP Poll Survey & Voting System Free 4.6 Stars
Advanced Shipment Tracking $129/year 4.5 Stars
WP Simple Pay $199.50/year 4.2 Stars
Simple Giveaways Free 4 Stars

25. Advanced Coupons

advance coupons

Advanced Coupons is the best WooCommerce coupon code plugin on the market. It extends the limited WooCommerce coupon functionality and allows you to create better coupon offers.

The plugin integrates tightly with WooCommerce and offers features like BOGO offers (buy one get one offer), coupon URLs, scheduled coupons, auto-apply coupons, shipping coupons, and more. You find the plugin easy to use and helps you boost sales on your eCommerce store.

26. WooCommerce RMA For Return Refund & Exchange


WooCommerce Refund and Exchange plugin gives your customers an easy and simplified refund management system that is stuffed with organized exchange, wallet, and cancel features.

Adding to this, the WooCommerce extension saves time in complaints, disputes on call, and the hurdle of managing stock via this single solution. Your customers will be able to request a full or partial refund of the product for valid reasons. The whole process goes under a streamlined lead to easy returns for your customers with increased conversion. The WooCommerce Refund plugin also enables the admin to set a specific time frame for all refund, exchange, and cancellation requests.

Streamline All Return Refunds & Exchanges For WooCommerce Store!

Get The Authority To Restrict Invalid Orders With The Return Management System…

27. Referral Candy for WooCommerce

referral candy

Referral Candy makes it easy to set up and manage a referral program to keep existing customers coming back and getting new ones.

Referrals are a huge influence when it comes to new customers making purchases. When potential shoppers are referred by people they already have a relationship with, they are more likely to buy.

If you’re looking to boost word-of-mouth marketing, Referral Candy is one of the best WooCommerce plugins you can go with.

28. Points And Rewards For WooCommerce

points and rewards

If you are not taking care of your customers, your competitor will.

~Bob Hooey

Points And Rewards For WooCommerce help merchants create a points-based loyalty program to reward customers. It efficiently helps merchants increase brand loyalty, customer retention, and conversion rates at their online stores. With the brand-new additions to this plugin, Merchants can encourage their customers to earn rewards and points by awarding them with user badges for different levels.

Similarly, utilize the gamification feature to elevate your websites by enabling customers and guest users to spin the wheel and unlock rewards points, enhancing interaction and excitement.

Don’t believe us? Check Out the demo for Points and Rewards!

Loyalize Customers To Purchase From The Same Store!

Get access to features like user badges & gamification…

29. RafflePress


RafflePress is the best giveaway plugin for WordPress. Running contests and giveaways is one of the best ways to increase engagement with your brand, not to mention grow your email list.

RafflePress makes it super easy to create contests and giveaways for your eCommerce website, blog, and social media platforms. So when they perform tasks like signing up for your email newsletter, sharing your content, or submitting user-generated content, they get an entry.

30. WP Poll Survey & Voting System


WP Poll Survey & Voting System plugin allows you to create a user poll, online contests, or voting systems. This plugin offers a quick and easy way to add polls and surveys to blog posts or web pages using a shortcode.

31. Advanced Shipment Tracking

advanced shipment tracking

Advanced Shipment Tracking (AST) is a WooCommerce plugin designed to simplify and automate the fulfillment process. Facilitate the addition of tracking information to orders effortlessly and keep customers well-informed. The plugin offers a customizable tracking information widget for easy order tracking through order status emails and the View Order shop page.

The plugin also streamlines the process of importing multiple tracking numbers from CSV files, eliminating the need for manual copying and pasting when working with suppliers who provide tracking information in this format.

32. WP Simple Pay

simple pay

WP Simple Pay is a versatile plugin that facilitates hassle-free acceptance of both one-time and recurring payments, eliminating the need for a complex shopping cart system. With its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, users can effortlessly create customized payment forms.

While renowned as a popular Stripe payment plugin, WP Simple Pay offers a range of payment options, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit cards, and alternative gateways like Alipay and iDEAL.

33. Simple Giveaways

simple giveaway

Leveraging giveaways can be a powerful strategy for brands, contributing to the acquisition of over 34% of new customers. The Simple giveaways streamline your giveaway process and make it engaging and attractive.

The game changer is that it also supports social logins, allowing participants to log in via Facebook or Twitter, and provides a subscribers list for each contest, enabling easy tracking of subscriptions. The plugin also facilitates giveaway automation, allowing users to select winners and notify them directly from the WordPress platform.

Store Automation Integration Plugins for WooCommerce Stores

Store automation has the potential to lure in new potential customers while keeping the old customers returning. It enables businesses to stand out from their competitors by offering the best convenience to their customers and visitors.

To offer better convenience and experience, communication is the key. Although, organizing all communications between you and your customers requires different approaches depending on who and where they are in your sales funnel and on their buying journey. Using a good CRM tool may work wonders.

Plugin Name Price Ratings
AutomateWoo $159/year 4.2 Stars
CRM Integration For WooCommerce $129/year 4.9 Stars
Integration With Mautic For WooCommerce Pro $99/year 4.9 Stars
LiveChat $59/year 4.2 Stars

34. AutomateWoo

automate woo

If you are looking to grow your WooCommerce site, AutomateWoo can do this for you. Its features make communication easy by letting you send SMS and emails to customers. This also helps you reduce cart abandonment among your visitors.

AutomateWoo also provides features that allow you to reward your customers with coupons.

Its subscription plan goes for as low as $99 per year.

35. CRM Integration For ZOHO

crm integration for zoho

The CRM Integration for the Zoho plugin syncs your WooCommerce data as Products, Contacts, Deals, and Sales Orders over Zoho CRM.

This integration plugin includes features like Custom Feeds, Real-time Bulk Data Sync, and One-click Sync to let you send your WooCommerce data over Zoho CRM with the utmost convenience and smooth process.

Sync Your Data Over Zoho For Smoother Management…

Get Access To Features Like Historical Batch Data Sync, One-Click Sync & Manual Sync!

36. Integration with Mautic For WooCommerce Pro

mautic integration with woo

Are you just dreaming of earning revenue faster? Mautic has proven to be the world’s best open-source marketing automation establishment that empowers with streamlined workflows. This is here to boost operational efficiency and lift the revenue faster.

Mautic WooCommerce Integration will assist in segmenting your customers, developing highly automated campaigns, and delighting your intended audience to flourish your business.

Ready To Track Contacts & Sync Woocommerce Customers?

Integrates Your Woocommerce Store With Open-Source Marketing Automation Software…

37. LiveChat


On average, about 70% of shoppers abandon their carts before completing a purchase. Why? Customers want instant answers to their questions.

LiveChat is the best live chat support software on the market. It lets you add live chat to your WooCommerce store easily, so you can answer questions instantly.

It makes it easy to convert users into customers before they abandon their carts. Plus, LiveChat works with WooCommerce Google Analytics, all the best email marketing services, CRM software, and more.

 WooCommerce Store’s Performance Tracker Plugins

Regular monitoring helps you as a merchant to analyze the performance of your marketing efforts and all the hard work your team is putting in to grow the boundaries of your business.

Now the question is – whether you’re willing to spend hours analyzing each metric separately. Or you’re willing to delegate this task to someone you can trust and just work deeply on the reports?

In my opinion, you don’t need to take the first option just because you don’t wish to risk the security of your business’s confidential information. Using WooCommerce performance tracker plugins can do that for you. And trust me, the deeper you dive into the analytics, the more things can get overwhelmingly faster.

Plugin Name Price Ratings
Track Orders For WooCommerce Pro $49/year 4.8 Stars
MonsterInsights $199/year 4 Stars
Product Sales Report For WooCommerce $99/year 4.5 Stars
TI WooCommerce Wishlist $79/year 4 Stars
AffiliateWP $299.60/year 4.5 Stars
WP Activity Log $139/year 4.2 Stars
Conversion Tracking Pro For WooCommerce $99/year 4.3 Stars

38. Track Orders For WooCommerce Pro

track orders

Consider Track Orders for WooCommerce to be the most versatile tracking tool for your store using the Track Orders for WooCommerce plugin. With this extension, you can deliver accurate info to customers about their order fulfillment. From the moment they place an order to the exciting doorstep delivery, the entire journey is at their fingertips.

It’s a transformative tool that allows you to add as many shipping services as required for your business. This allows your customers to get a streamlined view of their ordered products and breaks the suspense of when they can relish their products.

Ready To Add Custom Carrier Tracking Tool To Your Store?

Enjoy Multiple Innovative Features Designed To Provide Order Processing Data…

39. MonsterInsights

monster insights woocommerce plugin

An in-depth analysis of your online store will show you how your audience engages with certain elements on your website. This will in turn help you make better decisions for your online store. You can keep track of important metrics such as click-through, bounce, and conversion rates on your WooCommerce website.

With MonsterInsights integrated into your store, you’ll get real-time reports on user behavior.

40.  Product Sales Report For WooCommerce

export sale data wordpress plugin

The biggest decisions in a business are made on performance metrics. Tracking your sales and product performance helps you understand what is working for your business, and you get to improve the problem areas too.

Therefore, it is important to have a tool like Product Sales Report for WooCommerce that gives you in-depth analytics of your WooCommerce sales.

41. TI WooCommerce Wishlist

woocommerce wishlist plugin

TI WooCommerce Wishlist is a free WooCommerce plugin that is dedicated to helping eCommerce sites optimize their sales funnel for better conversion. One key feature of this plugin is that it enables your visitors to save an item to a wishlist to be bought later.

It also enables them to share the contents of their wishlist with friends and family. This, in turn, encourages them to visit the website. If you haven’t guessed already, this will lead to an increase in brand awareness for you.

42. AffiliateWP

affiliate woo plugin

AffiliateWP is the best affiliate tracking and management plugin for WooCommerce. It is a WordPress plugin that helps you create your affiliate program so you can encourage your customers and others to promote your products.

When someone signs up to be your affiliate, they’ll get a special link and earn a small commission on each sale they make through that link.

43. WP Activity Log

wp activity log plugin

If you have tons of users or more, you really can’t know who did what. This plugin tries to solve this issue by tracking what users do and displaying it in an easy-to-use and easy-to-filter view on the dashboard of your WordPress site.

WP Activity Log is the most comprehensive real-time user activity and monitoring log plugin. It helps hundreds of thousands of WordPress administrators and security professionals keep an eye on what is happening on their websites and is the most highly rated WordPress activity log plugin.

WP Activity Log has been featured on the websites of some of the most popular and leading businesses in the WordPress ecosystem, such as WPBeginner, GoDaddy, and Kinsta.

44. Conversion Tracking Pro For WooCommerce

conversion tracking wordpress extension

Connect your WooCommerce store with the best-in-the-game ad platforms out there. Send user-triggered events from your eCommerce store to your chosen platform. Retargeting is now as simple as ABC!

WooCommerce Conversion Tracking helps you with—Obtaining advanced user behavioral data, Tracking your WooCommerce business better, Getting detailed conversion data for analytics, Creating better ad campaigns, Increasing ROI from all paid media investments, Securing better customer retargeting for future marketing efforts, and much more…

Bonus WooCommerce Plugins

This section consists of a list of plugins that can be useful for your WooCommerce store. Depending on your use cases, you might also find the following tools useful in addition to the best WooCommerce plugins and tools that we already mentioned above….

Plugin Name Price Ratings
Subscription For WooCommerce Pro $109/year 4.2 Stars
EU/UK VAT Compliance Assistant for WooCommerce free 4 Stars
WP Rocket $199/year 4.2 Stars
Bookings For WooCommerce $69/year 4 Stars
UpdratPlus $70/year 4.5 Stars
Sucuri $299.99/year 4.2 Stars
WOOCS – Currency Switcher for WooCommerce Professional Free 4 Stars

45. Subscriptions For WooCommerce Pro


This plugin adds a recurring business model to your online store, allowing you to provide subscription-based products & services with simple and variable options. Additionally, you can sell simple and variable-based products, physical and downloadable subscription products, and everything in between.

It also allows the merchants to collect recurring revenue through subscription orders and helps them to compete with various industries like SAAS, eCommerce, Entertainment Media, Transportation, Education, Food and Beverages, etc. that are already using subscription models.

Want A Subscription Model To Boost Sales?

Add Recurring Business Model To Your Online Store…

46. EU/UK VAT Compliance Assistant For WooCommerce

eu uk vat compliance plugin

A particularly specialized solution for those doing business in the EU is the EU VAT Compliance Assistant for WooCommerce. Value-Added Tax, or VAT, is a tax that must be paid on purchases made in the EU, as you may know. Sales of digital goods like ebooks and audiobooks are subject to this levy.

You might discover that your business must factor VAT into your costs as a result. This plugin takes care of the bulk of the grunt work for you by locating customers, converting between currencies, and charging VAT fees as necessary.

47. WP Rocket

wp rocket plugin

You can speed up your WooCommerce store using WP Rocket. You don’t need this if you’re hosting your WordPress site with a managed service like SiteGround or WP Engine.

There are many other features to WP Rocket besides WordPress caching. It is the most effective way to speed up loading, raise your PageSpeed rating, and improve your Core Web Vitals.

48. Bookings For WooCommerce

bookings for woo plugin

With the WooCommerce booking & appointment plugin, you can easily develop an online booking system that offers customizable booking options with flexible booking slots, easy booking management, and much more.

You can now allow your customers and visitors to view the availability and unavailability of given slots with the help of color codes in the date picker calendar.

Woocommerce Booking Meets All Of Customers’ Expectations!

Explore Features Like Booking Rescheduling, Early Bird Discounts, & Facebook Sharing…

49. UpdraftPlus

updraft plus

You may regularly back up your WooCommerce store with the aid of UpdraftPlus. If something goes wrong, you can recover your store with this.

Hacking, server breakdowns, questionable updates, or human error might ruin your WordPress site. Therefore, you require UpdraftPlus. Install WordPress right away to protect your website!

50. Sucuri

sucuri woocommerce extension

To better defend your WooCommerce store from hacking attempts and DDoS attacks, Sucuri also includes a web application firewall. With the help of our cloud-based platform and knowledgeable security analysts, secure your websites and regain your peace of mind.

51. WOOCS – Currency Switcher for WooCommerce Professional

woocs top woocommerce plugin

This enables your consumers to quickly change currencies and receive real-time exchange rates in their own currency. Any currency may be added to a WooCommerce store with the WOOCS multi-currency plugin.

The best method for creating a major WooCommerce store with many currencies!

To Sum Up…

There you have it, the 50+ WooCommerce plugins you require for an eCommerce website, in addition to the bonus ones. It shouldn’t be, but operating a business is not a game for kids.

Syncing plugins with your website adds a good note that easily streamlines the operations. There are many different features, including gift cards, points and incentives, gift card bundles, and more. This is further enhanced by the fact that its user-friendly behavior benefits the user experience.

One Place For All Premium & Free Plugins…

Exclusively Crafted Discounts On WooCommerce Plugins!

If you have read our blog, do you believe there are any other plugins we should mention? In the comments section below, tell us about it.

About the Author: Muskaan Sabarwal

Muskaan Sabarwal is a content writer with a knack for telling stories, a flair for detail, and a hint of humor. She is passionate about creating valuable content on online platforms. She can blend conversion optimization and persuasion tactics like magic to share your brand's message.
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  1. john kerry October 15, 2022 at 11:43 am - Reply

    Very nice post. I really like it. Hope next will better

    • Anusha Mishra October 31, 2022 at 9:39 am - Reply

      Thank you John for your valuable feedback! Stay tuned with us on our blog page for the next blogs. You may also send in the comments, the topics you would want to learn about!

  2. john kerry October 6, 2022 at 8:22 am - Reply

    That’s a great blog. Very much informative and readable.

  3. Jitin Mishra May 18, 2021 at 11:24 am - Reply

    Thank you for sharing this awesome collection of the best eCommerce WordPress plugins.
    The plugins are for websites.
    WooCommerce would be a great option here and it is one of my favorite plugins. I use this plugin on my website.
    Keep updating!!!

    • Sanya Aru May 21, 2021 at 10:31 am - Reply

      I’m glad you liked it.
      Yes, certainly all the listed plugins are for WordPress and WooCommerce sites both.

  4. Dai Software March 8, 2021 at 12:31 pm - Reply

    Thanks for sharing such an amazing article, really informative.

    • Sanya Aru March 10, 2021 at 12:21 pm - Reply

      I really appreciate your kind words about this article. Keep reading for more informative pieces. :)

  5. John Bauer December 14, 2020 at 10:13 am - Reply

    Very nice post, I would also like to share WooCommerce MailChimp Newsletter Discount plugin and Checkout Address Autofill for WooCommerce stores. Both plugins are very useful and can add value to e-commerce stores. Please check it out and let me know what you think about it.

    • Sanya Aru December 16, 2020 at 4:59 am - Reply

      Hey John
      I’m glad you liked the article.
      Certainly, your suggestions are great to consider. Will try to add in few more plugins along with your mentions in the next update.
      Thanks for sharing your suggestions. :)

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