client feedback

For making your WordPress business successful, it is extremely significant that you must be smart enough to handle your client feedback.

It is great if you follow the practice of collecting feedback from your clients. As it helps you to get a fair idea of your products and services performance. For instance, through client feedback you will be aware of your product and services shortcomings. Then, you will try to make your products better and fulfill your customer’s expectations. Your efforts will go in the right direction. Ultimately, you will reach a stage where your clients will be satisfied with your products. Hence, client feedback gives you an opportunity to grow speedily and achieve success.

Also, nowadays customers always look over products and services feedback, comments, and reviews before purchasing them. Hence, they play an important role in making purchase decisions by the customers.

In this blog, I will share deep insights for client feedback, how it is important, how to handle it efficiently, and much more!

So, let’s start.

What Is Client Feedback?

Client feedback is basically the information which customers provide about their experiences for products and services usage. They can be deep insights, problems, appreciation about your business, products, and services.


Source: OPUS Infinti

It can take many different forms. Such as social media posts where clients tag your brand, word of mouth between customers and prospects, customer support tickets, surveying and polling customers. You can also interview your clients and ask them for feedback. You can provide a separate place where clients can share comments, complaints, and compliments.

Hence, in this manner you can empower your business positively through client feedback. You can use these feedbacks to make data-driven decisions to match your products and services with your client’s needs.

Why Is Client Feedback Important for Your Business?

Client feedback can be important for you in many ways. You will be able to measure how much customers are satisfied with your products and services, improve your customer retention, deliver the best experience, enhance customer loyalty, and show them how valuable they are for you!

You will be able to provide high quality products and services to your clients with deadlines. One of the most important things is that you can showcase how much you are dedicated to your clients through it.

Different customers may have different opinions about your products, services, and your brand. You just need to know their experience and understand their point of view to improve yourself.

This also provides you an opportunity to enhance your skills and become expertise in your domain. You will be able to streamline your business processes and improve the way in which you work.

Client Feedback Statistics

  • According to BrightLocal, consumers are reading online reviews more than ever before. 77% of them “always” or “regularly” read them while browsing for local businesses in 2021. (up from 60% in 2020)
  • According to Podium, 56% of consumers say that their perspectives have changed due to responses to reviews.
  • According to Khoros, 83% of customers feel more loyal to brands that resolve and respond to their complaints.
  • According to Invesp, 90% of the customers prefer reading online reviews before visiting websites for shopping and 88% of customers emphasize and trust on recommended products reviewed by the people.
  • According to Sprout Social, 47% of the customer’s complain about their products and services on social media.
  • According to HubSpot, 68% of the customers say that they are willing to buy products and services from the brand which offer good customer service experiences.
  • According to Survey Money Research, 85% of the customers provide feedback when their experience is good with the brand and 81% of the customers provide feedback when their experience is bad.

Checkout the Comprehensive Guide of Asking for Reviews!

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Smart Tips and Tricks to Handle the Client Feedback

Ways to Handle the Negative Feedbacks

Be Patient and Active Listener

Before responding to negative feedback, make sure that you carefully understand client problems. Actively engage with them and emphasize on their each point. Don’t react instantly without understanding and thinking.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to understand someone’s perspective, but take your time, think and explore. Fully comprehend the negative feedback.

Review Negative Feedback

Try to evaluate the negative feedback. Ask your clients to provide proof for it. So that you can be more clear about their feedback. Try to solve the problem in such a way that it will not happen again in the future.

Ask For Clarifying Questions

You can ask such questions to your clients:

  • What are the problems which they are facing repeatedly?
  • What are the areas in which they need improvement from you?
  • What are they expecting from you?
  • What are the reasons behind their dissatisfaction?

There can be many like them!

Solve Clients Problems Quickly

Try to solve their issues in a short period of time. Impress them with your customer service. This will increase the chances of bringing them back to you. Be prepared for facing challenges. Build the image of your brand through your best customer services. Never hesitate and hide your mistakes.

Be Actionable

For transforming your negative feedback into positive feedback, it is necessary that you take action on it. Take the responsibility of working on it.

Also, your customer support team should be actively involved. Make sure you respond to customers’ negative feedback within 24 to 48 hours.

Be Grateful to Your Clients

Be thankful to your clients for sharing their views or opinions whether the feedback is positive or negative. Appreciate them for giving their valuable time and feedback to you. Try to be authentic to them and accept your faults. Try to apologize to them.

Don’t be negative with negative feedback. Solve the clients issue with a positive mindset. Enhance your skills, stay motivated, and confident.

Never let yourself feel low and And finally move on.

Also, you can deal with your clients for negative feedback on private channels, provide links, etc.

Ways to Handle the Positive Feedbacks

Set Professional Goals

After receiving the positive feedback, plan and create new goals for your clients. Do hard work. Put in your efforts. Regularly keep an eye on your progress and performance. Communicate in your organization for achieving growth and providing the best experience to your clients.

Offer New Products and Services

If you are receiving appreciation for your work surely means that your clients are impressed with your quality of work. Offer them upselling and cross- selling for earning huge profits. Send automated emails for remaining in touch with your clients. Send your sales offer to them.

Move Forward With Dedication

Respond happily for positive feedback to your clients. One of the best marketing tactics is that you can showcase your customer’s positive feedback on your website, social channels, promotions, etc.

client reviews

Just always keep up with your positive feedback. The people who follow you but are not associated with your business might be prompted to explore your products and services. This can be the best way to showcase your good work to your followers.

Ask Follow up Questions

You can ask more questions from your clients. You can ask questions like-“Thanks a lot for appreciation. Can we know more about your success with our product?”

Also, you can ask technical questions from them if you want. Just don’t feel awkward and hesitant in interacting with your clients.

You can ask your clients to elaborate their experience, and showcase more products and services to them that are relevant to them.

Respond Speedily

Feedbacks are given immediately after customer experiences and purchases. Always value your customers. Your customers should feel that you care about them.

After getting positive feedback, try to respond speedily to them so that your clients feel that they are special for you. Avoid late replies. Give them words of thanks and gratitude. Be short, concise, and influenced.

Ways to Handle the Neutral Feedbacks

Thank Your Customer

Always thank your client for feedback, whether it is positive, neutral or negative feedback. Let them know you appreciate their comments and you use them as a chance to improve your business.

Repeat the Positive Aspects of the Review

You can reply to your clients in a manner-”Thank you so much for your feedback! We’re glad to hear you enjoyed our products and services”.

Apologize for or Explain Any Negatives

Be genuine with your clients and acknowledge their neutral feedback. Try to carry out the feedback in a smooth manner. If you have made any mistake, accept it. You can also ask your clients what you can do to improve yourselves.

Invite Them back

Provide the best client service and increase the purchase frequency of your products and services. Be polite and frank to them. Engage with your clients in such a manner that they stay connected with you and come back to you. An instance of reply can be in such a manner-

“We hope to see you again. Or take it offline. If you’d like to discuss how we could’ve made your experience better, please call or email us. We look forward to hearing from you!”

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How to Improve Your WordPress Business With Client Feedback?

Perfection is nothing. Nothing is perfect, things can only be improved. Practice never makes perfect, it makes improvement.

This saying indicates that nothing is perfect, it can be only be improved. If your business is going well, it will improve to the best but not perfect. So, with the help of the client’s feedback, you can improve your WordPress business whether the feedback is positive, negative or neutral, improvement is required in every aspect.

Role of Positive Feedback in Your Business Improvement

Positive feedback leads to increased engagement with clients. You will be able to know your clients in depth. Share your points and views to your clients. It helps you to improve your standard of work. Positive feedback can include ratings, reviews, or surveys with multiple choice and/or open-ended questions.

positive feedback

Source: Agility PR Solutions

You will be able to discover information through positive feedback that can make positive changes in a company or business functions. However, it should be noted that sometimes it is uncomfortable to hear grievances. But, they offer the most useful insights.

It’s important to send regular surveys to customers and assure them that feedback is always welcome. Make it clear that there will never be any retribution for offering negative input. And, as a result, you’ll see an increase in your clients, improved processes, ultimately increased sales.

Role of Negative Feedback in Your Business Improvement

Negative feedback in the WordPress business mainly revolves around customer complaints and issues. There are several mediums through which a company uses customer feedback like surveys, social media, emails, chatbots to implement changes and improve their products & services– ultimately benefiting the customer and the business.

Even a survey of leading product managers says that over 50% of their new products and features are motivated by customer feedback. The product or service you are providing is better understood by your customers. So, you must listen to what they’re saying and with a humble reply assure them that you have implemented changes and have considered their complaints.

negative feedback

Source: Helium10

Listening to your customers and acknowledging them reflects that you value your customers. This increases your customer retention and adds to your positive customer experience.

Negative feedback helps to build products and services directly to the needs of your targeted audience to improve the overall customer experience.

Negative feedback helps businesses grow because customers feel appreciated. They are more likely to champion your products and services for years to come. And decreased customer churn, of course, greatly helps your bottom line.

Customer feedback can come from internal CRM system data, surveys, social media comments, online reviews, etc. It’s all useful data!

Setup Client Feedback and Reviews on Your Store

The feedback plugin for the website helps you to set up the client feedback and review form to gain the responses of your customers.

1. Steps to Setup Feedback Form

Step A: Create a Client Feedback Form

First of all, create a WordPress feedback form with the help of the WPForms Plugin. You can create a client feedback form using a few different WPForms templates-

  • Suggestion Form
  • Poll Form
  • Survey Form
  • NPS Survey Form

Step B: Customize Your Feedback Form

After completing your feedback form you can start with the customization. WordPress client feedback form is not only beginner-friendly it is also easy to customize.

Step C: Configure Your Feedback Form’s Settings

Then after both the above steps are done, go for the final configuration of the settings.

Before adding clients to the WordPress feedback form, do check these settings mentioned below:

  • General Settings: In general settings, you can change things like your form’s name, description, and submit button copy.
  • Form Confirmations: In the form confirmations, you will get messages that display to site visitors once they submit the client feedback form on your website with the help of the WordPress client feedback plugin.
  • Form Notifications: In the form notifications, you can send an email when the client feedback form is submitted on your website.

Step D: Add Your Customer Feedback Form to Your Site

Adding a WordPress client feedback plugin to your website will help you in growing your business. As feedback is the most important part of every business. Curiosity leads to growth, seeking opinions will help you provide the best service to your site visitors.

2. Steps For Product Reviews on Your WooCommerce Store

Before moving forward on the steps make sure your WooCommerce themes support review. If yes, then do check the steps below to enable your default options for a product review on the WooCommerce store.

Step A: Enable the Built-in Review Feature

  • In your WordPress dashboard, go to WooCommerce>Settings.
  • Select Product tab.
  • Scroll down and you will find the Enable Review Option, turn on it.
  • Click the Save Changes button.

Step B: Test Your Product Reviews

  • To check the result, go to the front end of your website and visit product page. Here, you may see the reviews section compiled into a tab.
  • The review section is either on the top or at the bottom of the page.
  • You can locate them according to the theme’s design.

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Final Words

I hope you have clearly understood the concept of client feedback and how to handle them. Though it is a very difficult task to handle client feedback, it is the most powerful tool for any business to grow. And if you are the owner of that business, you should be aware of how to handle the feedback of your customers.

So, if you do not value your client’s feedback, they will switch to another product or service where it can be valued. Value your client’s feedback, revert them wisely. If you have any doubts or queries, comment in the section below.

About the Author: Geetika Dayal

After Completing Masters in Arts of Mass Communication, Geetika is innovating her writing skills in strategic content marketing and her creative mind helps mobilize thoughts to words. Making it to the ground, a human being with a dynamic verve, always seeking adventure.
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  1. Taylor Abrams October 6, 2022 at 4:07 pm - Reply

    I like that you said how the number of sales is determined by the comments, evaluations, and ratings. My brother operates a B2B Business wherein he manufactures materials and he wonders how their B2B Customer Satisfaction Feedback will affect his business. I appreciate you helping me learn about this, I will share this with him so he can know this has a huge impact and contribution regarding the performance of his venture, so it matters greatly.

    • Geetika Dayal October 26, 2022 at 8:47 am - Reply

      All the best to your brother… And I am glad you find this article helpful… :)

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