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Membership For WooCommerce Pro
(10 customer reviews)

$99.00 / year

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Membership For WooCommerce Pro

(10 customer reviews)
Membership For WooCommerce Pro

The Membership for WooCommerce Pro plugin helps admins by allowing them to create members-only products, boosting regular income. For example, admins can offer exclusive content to paying members. Users benefit by getting special access to these products and deals, like discounts or early product releases.

Turn your WordPress site into a money-making platform by creating a membership site. You can control who gets access to your content and easily sell online courses or digital downloads to your members.

Our powerful Membership plugin lets you easily manage memberships, control access to exclusive content, and offer personalized experiences to your members. Whether you're selling digital products, online courses, or running a subscription-based service, this plugin provides everything you need for a profitable membership site.

  • Offer members-only individual product discounts
  • Select product tags, categories, and sections for WooCommerce members-only
  • Combine multiple membership plans’ benefits into one
  • Send WooCommerce membership plan actions related to Emails
  • Two different templates one is Simple and the other is a Comparison
  • Manage multiple membership levels with ease
  • Track user activity to gain insights into member behavior
  • Automate membership processes to save time and improve efficiency.
  • Reward your existing members with exclusive discounts on products or services, offering them special pricing that isn't available to others
$99.00 / Year
Flat 20% OFF! Use coupon: WPSLOVESale
  • 1 Year Free Support
  • 24x7 Customer Care
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
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Seamlessly set up Memberships for WooCommerce to stabilize your store’s revenue stream with members-only products, content, discounts, and offers:

  • Customize Emails: Membership for WooCommerce plugin enables you to customize your membership creation, expiration, and cancellation email for members, ensuring personalized communication tailored to your brand’s voice and style.
  • Show Offered Prices to Non-Members: Attract non-members to join your membership plans by showing them discounts & offers on membership products. This will be helpful in increasing conversion rates effectively.
  • Customize Elements: With our Membership plugin, you can tailor the color of the Background and Button Text Color of Buy Now Button, and Woo Membership Page Background & Text Color. This will enhance your brand consistency and user engagement.
  • Two Best Templates: Our Membership plugin gives you two best plan templates one for a simple plan and one for a comparison plan ensuring optimal customization and user engagement. 
  • Comment Restriction: You can set a comment restriction on the comment sections of the product allowing only the members to comment. This helps maintain a secure and exclusive platform for meaningful interactions.
  • Quick Email Notification: You can send fully customizable emails to members in one click, simplifying communication and improving response times.
  • Offer Free Shipping to Members: Membership for WooCommerce allows you to offer free shipping for members, this will boost customer loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Shortcodes for Product Page Customization: Get complete control over your product pages and customize them easily through shortcodes.
  • Welcome Email to Members: Dynamically send a welcome email to new members when they join a membership program, fostering engagement from the start.
  • Option To Block Users: Membership For WooCommerce Plugin allows admin to block users, once they are blocked they’ll be unable to use any membership benefits.
  • Content Protection: With Our membership for WooCommerce plugin, your content will be safe from non-members. You can set up rules to protect your posts, and products to ensure that only paying members can access the premium content.
  • Multiple Membership Levels: Create unlimited membership levels with unique access rules, pricing options, and member benefits as per your business requirements.
  • New Layout: A new layout has been introduced for the membership details page in the “My Account” section, allowing you to customize the colors to match your preferences.
  • Enhanced Report Section: The report Section has been enhanced showing much more detailed information including blocked users.

Quick Info

  • Compatible up to: WP 6.7.x, WC 9.6.x

  • Minimum PHP version: 7.4 or Higher

  • Version: 2.6.4 Version History

  • Last update: Feb 07, 2025

Out of 5 Stars
Based on 10 reviews

Top Features

Offer Notifications To Members Via WhatsApp

Boost engagement with WhatsApp offer notifications! Membership for WooCommerce Pro allows you to send exclusive deals and updates to members at different levels. Simply configure the WhatsApp integration using your Access Token, Phone ID, and Template. Once set up, you can effortlessly send personalized messages to users on specific membership levels in just a few clicks. Members can also choose to receive or disable these notifications.

Offer Free Trial and Sign-Up Fee

With the WooCommerce Membership plugin, you can attract customers by offering a free trial while charging a small sign-up fee upfront. This feature provides a risk-free way for users to explore your membership benefits while generating initial revenue. After the trial ends, the membership automatically transitions to a paid plan.

Note: This Feature Requires the Subscription for WooCommerce plugin.

Members Dashboard

The “Membership Details” tab in the My Account section gives members a clear view of their benefits, including total discounts earned, active subscriptions, rewards points, and other membership details. This centralized dashboard improves the user experience by making membership information easily accessible.

New Membership Plan Page Template

We’ve added a new membership plan page with a fresh design and clearer information. It now features a collapsible section where users can click an arrow to show or hide the membership details. This makes it easier for customers to find the information they need, helping them make decisions faster and boosting conversions.

Access To Membership Products, Pages, And Posts

Using the Membership With WooCommerce Plugin, you can update access control of any product, page, and post for membership plan users. The Membership Plugin allows you to grant access to premium content to WooCommerce membership holders only.

Restrict Comments on Your Protected Posts

Comments on the protected post will remain restricted for non-members. Customers must sign up as a members to view the product. For example, Restricting a product or content also restricts or hides its associated reviews and comments.

Assign Membership upon Registration

Using Membership With WooCommerce Plugin, you can assign any membership plan to users upon registration. You can select from your created membership plan whether it’s lifetime or monthly basis. Assigning membership to users upon registration can benefit by providing immediate access to exclusive content, and community engagement, creating a sense of belonging and loyalty for your business.

Customize the Member Creation, Expiration, and Cancellation Mail

Membership with WooCommerce plugin enables you to customize the membership creation, expiration, and cancellation email subject line and message for members. This dynamic mail feature lets you tailor your crucial membership emails according to your brand voice.

Show Discounted/Offered Prices to Non-members

Show the discounted products to non-members or customers who haven’t opted for any WooCommerce membership plans. It will encourage non-members to become members and avail the member-exclusive discounts.

Display Membership Plans, Actions, and Registration with Shortcodes

You can display membership plans using shortcodes like [wps_membership_title_name], [wps_membership_price], and [wps_membership_desc_data] for titles, prices, and descriptions. Use [wps_membership_buy_now] for action buttons and [wps_membership_registration_form] for the registration form. Many more shortcodes are also available for further customization.

Hide Products From Non-Members

You can hide your premium products from customers who aren’t a part of any WooCommerce membership plans. This membership plugin allows the admin to restrict access to premium content from non-members.

Use APIs to Show Membership Offer Details and Purchased Plans

WooCommerce membership plugin, Active membership plans API gives out the following details: Membership ID, Name, Type, Price, & Duration. And the Purchased Memberships API shows these details: Membership ID, Name, Price, Validity, Duration, and Status.

Allow Your Members to Cancel their Membership Accounts

Membership for WooCommerce gives users the flexibility to cancel their subscriptions at any time, creating a sense of security & confidence in users buying membership plans. They have full control over their subscription journey.

Two Free Templates for Membership Plans

You get two free templates to show membership plans: the “simple plan template” and a “comparison plan template”. If you want more customizable templates as per your website design, style, color, font, etc., count on us.

One-time Discount Coupon For New Members

Membership for WooCommerce Offers a feature that enables the creation of discount coupons for new members. Once new user log into your website and purchase a membership, they will receive an email containing the specific membership coupon, allowing them to enjoy discounts on their chosen membership plan.

Dynamic Welcome Email

Our Membership for WooCommerce plugin lets you easily create and customize welcome emails. You can personalize the membership tag, name, display image, subject, and more. This flexibility helps make a great first impression and enhances user experience.

Bulk Cancel User Level

Our Membership for WooCommerce Pro plugin lets admins easily cancel multiple user memberships at once. This makes managing memberships faster and more efficient.

Limit for One-Time Discount

With the Membership plugin, admins have the ability to set limits on the usage of coupons by new users. This allows control over the frequency with which new users can utilize discounts on their membership plans.

Show Header and Footer on Membership Plan Page

You can display the header and footer on the Membership Plan Page using the Membership for WooCommerce plugin. This helps in keeping a consistent look and feel throughout the website, making it easier for users to recognize your brand and navigate the site smoothly.

Redirect Users Upon Registration

Enhance your user experience with this feature, allowing you to smoothly redirect users to your preferred page upon user registration. Simply activate the option and select the destination page which includes the Cart Page, Membership Plan Page, My Account page, and more for a personalized onboarding journey.

Import Members

Membership for WooCommerce streamlines data management by allowing merchants to import all users and members together using the convenient import Members feature. This simplifies the process of managing user data effectively.

Login/SignUp option for a guest user

You can enable the login or signup for guest users and also send login credentials through the mail. If you didn’t get credentials, then either your email is already registered or your mail setup has an issue.

Last Active Member

The WooCommerce member plugin generates a report of the number of active members, the time when they were active, and the active duration. It allows you to effectively monitor your Memberships for WooCommerce.

Dynamic CSS of Becoming Member Button

Membership For WooCommerce comes with a dynamic CSS “become a member button feature in which you can change the background color, text color, and border radius of the button to give it a dynamic look accordingly.

Offer Subscription for Membership Plans

The WooCommerce Membership Plugin allows you to offer subscriptions to membership plans when you select limited access to membership plans. For plans with lifetime access, a membership subscription can’t be used.

Select WooCommerce Membership Product

Using the Membership with WooCommerce plugin you can choose which products to approve as WooCommerce membership products. Set different products for different memberships. And enable membership for various products and set discounts too.

Modify the Buy Now Button Text

Store owners can tailor the Buy Now button’s text format to give it a more dynamic appearance. For example, you can change the text of the “buy now” button to “purchase now”, “grab now,” and so on.


Bookings For Woocommerce

Our Membership plugin is compatible with Bookings for WooCommerce. You can easily assign booking products to a membership plan. For example, if you have a membership plan for a yoga studio, members can get discounts on yoga class bookings. Plus, you can also prevent non-members from buying any booking products. This way, only members can enjoy the benefits!

Elementor Builder

Membership for WooCommerce is Compatible with Elementor Builder, letting you easily use all the membership plugin shortcodes directly in Elementor. This makes it easier to customize and control your membership site.

Subscription For WooCommerce

The Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin is compatible with our Membership for WooCommerce plugin, enabling you to sell membership plans and facilitate their renewal using payment gateways supported by the subscription plugin, including the WooCommerce wallet.

Wallet System for Woocommerce

Membership for WooCommerce Pro is compatible with Wallet System for WooCommerce allows the admin to accept membership payments via wallet. Users can easily add money to their digital wallet and use it to buy memberships hassle-free.


The Membership for WooCommerce Plugin is compatible with the WordPress Multilingual (WPML) plugin for localizing the membership plugin strings.

WooCommerce HPOS

Membership for WooCommerce Pro is Compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) Previously known as “Custom Order Tables”. HPOS Compatibility provides you with a solid database structure specially designed for eCommerce needs. It uses the WooCommerce CRUD design to store order data in custom tables to optimize your woocommerce store’s performance.

Free Vs Pro

Features Free Version Pro Version
Individual Product Membership Plan
Modify the Text of the Buy Now Button to Dynamic Text
Allow Your Members to Cancel Their Membership Accounts
Woocommerce Membership Details of Customers
User Membership History
Membership User Data Export
WooCommerce Membership User Data Import
Delete Plugin Data On Uninstall
Shortcodes for Product Page Customization
Discount On User Cart Total
Compatible With HPOS
Offer Free Shipping for Members
Error Logging
Offer Membership Categories/span>
Limited or Lifetime Membership Accessibility
Set Different Membership Status
Manually Assign Membership Plans
Multiple Language Translation
Multisite Compatible
Bulk Actions to Edit & Delete Memberships
Membership Registration Shortcodes
Send Quick Email notifications to All Members
Create Memberships on Processing Order Status
Select Membership Products
Combine WooCommerce Membership Plan Benefits
Select Access To Membership Pages And Posts
Select Access To Membership Products
Override Membership Plan Access
Membership Reports With Better Graphics
Emails for Membership Plan Actions
Membership Sorting
Login/SignUp Option for a Guest User
Last Active Member
Comment Restriction on Membership Products
Shortcode to Show Membership Template Column
Two Free Templates Available i.e. Simple and Comparison
Dynamic CSS of Become Member Button
Show Discounted/Offered Prices to Non-members
Customize the Member Creation, Expiration, and Cancellation Mail
Customize the Elements of the WooCommerce Membership Plan Page
Import Members



10 reviews for Membership For WooCommerce Pro

  1. Girish Kumar

    This plugin is exactly what I was looking for. Very satisfied with the functionality.

  2. Surajit Kundu

    Very nice plugin and WP Swings team are very helpful. Highly recommended this plugin site and this plugin. Thank you for coordinating with me.

  3. Freelancer Mahbub

    wow:) The Plugins Awesome Plugin ! I just integrate the Membership Plugins increases my sales 4X Thank you wp swings

  4. Niyati

    Very useful plugin for woocommerce membership. Great support team response is also best💪😎👍

  5. Jasmine


  6. Pattulingam

    A very useful membership plugin for woo-commerce. Great support team.

  7. Michael Angelo Jaruda

    Great! testing the plugins now….so far its easy to use and customer suppport is ready to assist you should you have concerns on all plugins.

  8. Bryan Jaeger

    Very good Membership plugin but the support is even better. Support was quick to respond and extremely helpful in walking me through the steps I was stuck on.

  9. Evgeny Viner

    The plugin has numerous advantages. First, it is feature-rich. Second, you only pay once which is more than fair. Third, the team is VERY quick to respond and efficient. Thank you, team! It’s a pleasure to work with you.

  10. Saurabh Singh

    Mayank and his team are very good. They helped me a lot in setting up Membership for WooCommerce Plugin
    I look forward to working with him further.
    Best wishes to him and the team.

Out of 5 Stars
Based on 10 reviews
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Is there any option in the Membership For WooCommerce Pro plugin to provide the user with a lifetime membership or a limited membership?2023-03-17T16:23:06+00:00

Yes, the admin can set the membership to lifetime or limited using the Membership For WooCommerce Pro plugin. The admin can set either of two.

From where can I enable the Membership for WooCommerce plans to show on the front end?2023-03-17T16:23:46+00:00

Admins can enable the Membership for WooCommerce plans from the General settings of the Membership For WooCommerce Pro plugin: Go to Dashboard > WP Swings > Membership for WooCommerce > General Settings.

Admin can enable/disable Membership Plans to show on the front end. The users won’t see it if you disable it.

Is there any option in the plugin to show/hide the Membership plans history to the users?2023-03-17T16:24:15+00:00

Yes, Admin can enable the visibility of the user history from the General Settings of the Membership For WooCommerce Pro plugin. This way, the user can visit and see their plan history in the membership tab on the ‘My Account Page’.

Can we provide Individual Product Discounts to the users using the Membership WooCommerce Plugin?2023-03-17T16:24:37+00:00

Yes, the Membership WooCommerce Plugin allows the admin to select individual products to give discounts to membership users.

Will this Membership Plugin be compatible with my current theme?2022-06-24T09:45:41+00:00

Yes, the Membership WooCommerce Plugin is compatible with all popular themes that follow WooCommerce standards.

Can I add as many levels of Membership as I want using the Simple Membership plugin?2022-06-24T09:48:24+00:00

Yes, you can create as many levels as you want using the WooCommerce Simple Membership Plugin.

What is the basic purpose of using WooCommerce Membership?2023-03-17T16:25:00+00:00

The Membership Pro plugin lets WooCommerce store owners cultivate recurring revenue from selling membership plans and allow user registration on their eCommerce stores.

Does this membership plugin support payment gateways?2024-05-28T13:08:08+00:00

Our plugin is not dependent on payment gateways, so you can use any gateway you want.


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