Establishing a successful enterprise business has become way easier than ever before. With a variety of platforms available it’s absolutely practical to give life to your ideas. Having said that,

“WooCommerce is one of the most known eCommerce platforms for WordPress websites.”

It was launched in the year 2011 and since then has become extremely popular for both large and small scale enterprises. The credit for its popularity majorly goes to its variety of plugins and extensions which are both free and paid. A minimum of 4,414,537 websites are powered by WooCommerce. One-third of all the websites on the web power their eCommerce stores using WooCommerce. The WooCommerce plugin has been downloaded 139,209,577+ times. Moreover, it is the leading eCommerce platform with a worldwide market share of 23.07%.

Want To Enhance Your eCommerce Enterprise?

Take a look at what WooCommerce has to offer.
From digital to physical products, and from small-scale enterprises to large, WooCommerce is designed in a way to cater to all businesses as well as product types. There are up to 980 WooCommerce plugins in the WordPress repository for you to choose from. If you’re indecisive about whether WooCommerce is right for your enterprise-level business, this post might give you an assured perspective to proceed ahead.

Table of Content

  1. What is WooCommerce for Enterprise?
  2. Reasons to use WooCommerce for Enterprise
  3. Points to keep in mind while choosing WooCommerce for Enterprise
  4. Why is WooCommerce for Enterprise misinterpreted?
  5. Enhance your WooCommerce Performance
  6. Final Words

What Is WooCommerce For Enterprise?

WooCommerce is an open-source and customizable platform that is built on WordPress. It provides all the components necessary for a successful eCommerce business. Also, it possesses the capacity and has a large number of features to support the operations of a large as well as a medium-sized enterprise. It has a low level of difficulty and can be easily operated by beginners. The open-source framework here refers to the fact that WordPress is available for everyone. The developers can modify, edit and build as and how they prefer. Furthermore, this helps businesses establish a store completely according to their needs.

WooCommerce for enterprises has extreme potential for eCommerce businesses. As the open-source framework and additional customizations, plugins and features help to create strong solutions. Most of the plugins offered by WooCommerce are free. Also, there are paid themes and plugins which can enhance the digital experience of your store to a great extent.

Reasons to Use WooCommerce For Enterprise

There is no ‘perfect’ platform that would suit every type of business. But we can assure you that WooCommerce is the most versatile eCommerce platform available and has multitudes of factors for the enterprises. Following are some of the reasons that will strengthen your decision to go with WooCommerce for Enterprise without giving in any second thoughts to it.

1. Flexible & Powerful

WooCommerce is flexible and offers a number of expansion capabilities. One of the strongest parts of WooCommerce is its potential to grow alongside your eCommerce enterprise. With numerous plugins and extensions, both free and paid, your eCommerce enterprise’s functionality will only improve with time. Along with the repository of different plugins and extensions, WooCommerce also offers a variety of Integrations. The Integrations with popular services include Stripe, Mailchimp, Square, PayPal, Facebook, and Zapier.

WooCommerce For Enterprise

Speaking about its power, the riskiest part of any website is the fact that it can become slow. But with WooCommerce this problem does not exist. You can choose the plugins and extensions that you require. This helps keep your website stable, also resources are not wasted on running features that are not required by you. WooCommerce helps you build a foundation for your website beginning with all the tools you and your customers need the most.

2. Secure

The security of an eCommerce store is one of the biggest concerns owners have to consider. It is an intimidating prospect and can consume a lot of time. Interruption of service has been a problem for almost all enterprises. But for some, it may cause a big loss. Your website might lose hundreds of orders in a jiffy. Unlike other eCommerce services, WooCommerce allows full control over the store performance to its owner. Also, it gives you a chance to custom build your infrastructure, choose a hosting provider, build backup measures and apply updates when required.

Any site is vulnerable to getting hacked these days. There are a variety of reasons your site can get hacked such as stealing bandwidth, black hat SEO spam campaigns, etc. Older sites are more prone to such hacks, as they are outdated. To avoid problems related to security, you can check out the security plugins at These security plugins will help you monitor downtime incidents, detect suspicious activity, allow automatic backups, and much more.

3. Unlimited Selling Options

Unlike other platforms, WooCommerce is open to all product types. A company indulging in the sales of digital products at some point might want to move to physical products. This is pretty easy and doable at WooCommerce-powered stores. WooCommerce for Enterprise supports all product types. Also, at WooCommerce for Enterprise one can offer memberships, subscriptions, payment gateways, etc. to enhance the shopping experience for customers.

Unlimited selling options

4. SEO-Friendly

WooCommerce is extremely SEO-friendly. It operates through WordPress which itself is best for SEO. However, to improve WooCommerce products’ SEO, you can use plugins and extensions.

Things like performing the WordPress SEO setup properly, writing apt product SEO titles, optimizing the product slug, properly utilizing product categories, and adding alt text for product images should be kept in mind.

Want To Know More About WooCommerce SEO?

Points To Keep In Mind While Choosing WooCommerce For Enterprise

1. Choose the Right Hosting

Choosing the right hosting service is crucial for any eCommerce enterprise. Possessing a good hosting service is very essential so that your business is capable of offering quality service to its customers. Moreover, hosting is used for various applications which include, systems, blogs, and eCommerce stores, with covering advantages like better performance, greater security, etc.

Choose WP Engine As Your Hosting Service Provider!

Following are some points to consider while choosing that hosting provider which is just perfect for your enterprise:

a) Scalability

WP Engine

This is the first and foremost factor you need to consider while selecting a good WooCommerce hosting service. Also, the focus should be on determining their scaling capabilities for both small and large enterprises. A good way of checking their scaling capabilities can be done by taking a look at their portfolios. WP engine hosting service works with numerous WooCommerce products and can be a good choice for every eCommerce store owner.

Speaking about scalability, WordPress VIP is the leading hosting platform. It is a robust hosting provider particularly designed for handling heavy traffic. It comes with extraordinary support for performance and security.

WooCommerce For Enterprise, WordPress VIP

However, its pricing is still a mystery but some researchers state that the plans range from $5000 to $25,000 per month for 5 websites. Moreover, for these price ranges, you will get inexhaustible storage, bandwidth, CDN, etc.

Got Enough Capital to Invest in Your Enterprise?

Complete Content Creation and Management

b) Maintenance and Performance

Both large and small enterprises need maintenance and support. Maintaining and updating your website at regular intervals is crucial to recognize if your website is operating at its full potential. Furthermore, a properly maintained site helps to verify site security, increase new visitors, optimize visitor experience, boost traffic, etc.

Extended downtimes can hamper the quality of any website. And an emphasis on avoiding this should be prioritized. The right hosting service provides specific fundamental characteristics such as staging areas, automated backups, etc. Keeping a check on the maintenance & performance of every website is a must. Moreover, implementing the updates right away when they’re made available is the best choice as procrastination over it can create havoc. Since these updates come with performance improvements, they make your site more efficient.

2. API Integration

The more your eCommerce enterprise grows, there will be more of an increased need to include additional functionality. Plugins and extensions at WooCommerce are of great help, but can only be put to use once you combine your back-end with WooCommerce. So, here the best choice is to integrate your systems with WooCommerce REST API. REST API uses HTTP requests to use and access data. The same data can be used to get, post, put and delete data types that relate to the reading, updating, and deleting of operations.


This API Integration permits developers to interlink with third parties and enables them to exchange information with your eCommerce enterprise. Feeding data from CRM, ERP, or SCM platforms directly into your eCommerce enterprise can be simplified and customized using REST API Integration.

Integrate Your System With WooCommerce REST API!

Why Is WooCommerce For Enterprise Misinterpreted?

Over the years WooCommerce has been misinterpreted by both small and large enterprises. One of the major reasons is choosing a low-quality hosting service. How an enterprise owner gets to use WooCommerce is highly dependent on the choice of hosting provider. A large chunk of hosting service providers are only good enough for beginners who have just started their online enterprise.

But once the needs start increasing, these hosting providers often fail at managing their pace. Mostly, such hosting providers don’t possess additional server provisions, for managing the increasing traffic. Also, they don’t suggest measures like moving to a different and better package, making use of different sets of plugins, customizations, etc.

Moreover, when these necessities are not fed, the website ends up performing poorly. Instead of paying heed to the hosting providers, the blame goes to WooCommerce. Hence, choosing the right hosting provider is extremely important.

Enhance Your WooCommerce Performance

WooCommerce performance is very crucial and is just not a mere function of the WooCommerce activity. It is a determinant factor of a customer’s experience browsing through your website. It will also have an effect on the search engine ranking. There are a lot of other factors that add to the performance of your WooCommerce store. Following are some points, implementing which can improve the performance of your WooCommerce enterprise:

1. Make Use of CDN

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) means a geographically distributed team of servers that work in coordination to provide faster delivery of Internet Content. The main objective of building this network is to improve and enhance the loading speed of websites. They lighten the load of the web server and accelerate the delivery of content to the visitors, making their experience better. They mainly work as a performance booster. WooCommerce for enterprises catering to customers worldwide can make use of CDN and improve the loading speed of their websites.

2. Load-Balancing

This area involves the traffic allocation of a particular IP across several nodes to make sure that a single server doesn’t get overloaded and result in poor performance of a website. This activity involves the presence of a load balancer between customers and back-end servers. This balancer receives customer requests and allocates them among available servers that are capable of carrying out those requests.

How to Improve the Loading Time of Your WordPress Website?

3. Keep a Check on the Images

Good quality Images are an important part of your eCommerce enterprise. So, it’s a must for the owners to use high-resolution images for a better customer experience. However, these high-quality images make larger file sizes which eventually can take a longer time to load. So to tackle this using JPG or PNG file format while using images on your WooCommerce store can save you a lot of time. These formats might reduce the quality of the images a bit but will not have a bad impact.

How to Optimize Images for WordPress Websites?

Final Words

Establishing an eCommerce enterprise can be a huge task if not led properly. Opting for good hosting service, performance tracking, and optimization of security, are necessary for using WooCommerce for Enterprise in the best possible way. WooCommerce is no doubt a versatile, easy-to-use platform for large as well as small enterprises. Its huge array of plugins, integrations, lightweight code, etc makes it a platform that will strengthen any eCommerce enterprise’s website, making it completely reliable.

Going through every detail mentioned above in this article will make you cover almost everything you require as an eCommerce enterprise owner. Feel free to share your suggestions in the comments below or ask questions.

we’re eagerly awaiting to hear from you!

About the Author: Aditya Srivastava

Aditya Srivastava is a poet, writer, and avid reader. He lives to write and writes for a living. Coffee is his elixir, and books are his best friends. To him, passion and profession are equal. Like most writers, he is also a potent thinker, but he only thinks with his pen.
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